Thursday, January 15, 2009

Workshops in March 2009

Workshops ... 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th March 2009
I shall be running public workshops during these four days in Singapore ... flying down from sleepy Chiangmai in northern Thailand.
The details are listed in the postings (messages) below.
... all with a Web 2.0 and Teaching & Learning Theme.
Venue for all sessions is 
St Andrew’s Junior College, Computer Lab 1
Visit Synergyst (Singapore organisers) for more details or download a brochure from

One of the advantages of Web 2.0, apart from being a powerful set of online tools for teaching and learning, is that it is very low cost and in many cases free providing you have an internet connection.
It is planned to have a hands-on session in these workshops where you can try some of the applications
... but that, of course, will depend on the internet connection behaving itself.

I shall be taking some photographs during the sessions ... hope you don't mind, but if a problem then just let me know privately. The photographs will live at

Participants often ask if they can bring their own laptop ... if you want to do this then please do so ... but it is best if you can arrive early in order to see if it can be connected to the internet through the network and arrange a suitable space. If you are on the Podcasting session then you'll need to install some (free) software before you arrive ... email me and I'll let you know where to find it.

The machines used in the computer labs for the public sessions are all Microsoft Windows.

I look forward to working with you ... please note, though, that you have some homework tasks to do before we meet ... see below for details.

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At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mabuhay, Mr. Smith!

I am Janeth Seno from the Philippines, I was once a participant on the learning circle workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand.Hope you remember me with Ma'am Liza too.WOW! i like the workshops in Singapore soon, how interesting and educational too.But probably, it may just be a dream.
Regards! Have a nice day.

At 9:25 PM, Blogger kholley said...

Hi Chris,

Could you also fit in how to make videos? Students are often making videos instead of PowerPoints and I feel utterly useless at this. I would like to help them and be able to make them myself! Karin Holley (ISHCMC, Vietnam)

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Shamblesguru said...


In most of these workshops I talk about videos, where to find them,how to embed in Blogs, websites ... but none of the workshops this time around is focussed just on video editing.

There will be a little in the "Beyond PowerPoint" session.

Possibly more in the future ... if there is the demand.

But for now this page might be of interest ...

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Atima said...

Hi! I am Atima Joshi. I teach 6-7 years olds. I do use the internet! (Is there an alternate answer!:)) I have a class blog which I use primarily to highlight students' work. I did try my hand at podcasting but suffered some glitches. Hence the enrolment in the workshop! Hope to learn lots.

At 6:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Smith!

I'm Nafisah. I dont really know how podcasting work. So here I am, wanting to learn abt it and how can it benefit me. Most importantly, using it to enhance my teaching tools in order to create an enjoyable lesson for my students. Thus, I am looking forward for a fruitful learning session with you. See you!

Nafisah Nurraudhah
Swiss Cottage Sec Sch

At 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have no idea on what Pod-casting is about BUT i do know that it's the in thing now. So, I ope to learn more so as to be able to utilise it for my teaching as well as my own personal use. Realised that I'm getting more and more pre-historic in the use of technology and I do think that the technology is evolving at a very fast rate. Hope I could keep up...


At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Hoe Sing. I am interested to learn about bloggin and esp how to integrate it into the teaching of chemistry


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