Web 2.0 Workshops 13th and 14th Nov.07
Four workshops are available to you November 2007 ... all with a Web 2.0 and Teaching & Learning Themes, details below .. (venue: St. Andrew’s School)
Visit Synergyst (Singapore organisers) for more details www.synergyst.com
One of the advantages of Web 2.0, apart from being a powerful set of online tools for teaching and learning, is that it is very low cost and in many cases free providing you have an internet connection.
It is planned to have a hands-on session in these workshops where you can try some of the applications ... but that, of course, will depend on the internet connection behaving itself.
If you are attending any of the workshops then I would be grateful if you could do just one thing before you arrive .... introduce yourself (e.g. name, where you working now, what age students do you work with, do you already use the internet) and also say what you hope to achieve at the workshop.
Just click on the word "Comment" below and fill in the form that should come up.
Tuesday 13th November 07 ... 9am to 12.30pm
This session will be a general introduction to the new "Read-Write" web, (Web 2.0), we will look at what it is, what makes a web 2.0 website different from the more traditional ones.
We will also look at several examples and see how they might be used in teaching and learning.
If you have time before the workshop then have a browse around the page http://www.shambles.net/web2
(W2) Making use of Blogs for teaching and learning
Tuesday 13th November 07 ... 2pm to 5.30pm
What is a Blog (Weblog), how do you make one and what can they be used for? ... we will answer all of these and create one in real time.
If you have time before the workshop then have a browse around http://www.shambles.net/web2#blog
(W3) Use of Podcasts for teaching and learning
Wednesday 14th November 07 ... 9am to 12.30pm
Podcasts are really very simple (once you have been shown) ... they are audio (sometimes video) recordings that are put on the internet and have the potential to be brilliant resources to use with students and by students.
Will we go through the whole process of making an audio Podcast and then putting it on a website so it can be listened to by anyone in the world with an internet connection.
(W4) Social Networks
Wednesday 14th November 07 ... 2pm to 5.30pm
In the last year Social (online) Networks have grown enormously in popularity with students around the world ... but these have not yet been adopted or used by many schools. In fact quite a number of schools around the world have blocked access on the school network to some of the social network websites like, 'myspace' and 'facebook'.
In this session we will look at what a social network site is and see some examples and discuss the pros and cons for a school community. We will also look at some ways of setting up your own social network for use with your class, school, or club .... or even outside work for your own family.
Finally in this session we will look at Second Life, a 3D virtual environment that is being considered as a possible tool to support teaching and learning, already half of UK Universities have a presence in S.L.
I will also be introducing you to my own island in Second Life designed to support the professional development of k-12 teachers ... it is still being built but you are able to see the progress at http://internationalschoolsisland.blogspot.com
If you time before the session then have a look at the pages http://www.shambles.net/pages/learning/infolit/socialnet and http://www.shambles.net/secondlife
My name is Chris Popowski and I teach HS French at the Singapore American School. I do not have any concerns at the moment regarding blogs. I am curious to know how to use a blog as an effective teaching tool in the foreign language classroom.
Hi! My name is Pang Hwee Jing and I teach 13-year-old students Japanese language at the MOE Language Centre. Currently the only form of ICT I use in class is power point presentations, and outside class I have class pages hosted over the school server to make announcements and give lesson summaries to my students who were absent from class. I would like to learn from the workshop how to incorporate other forms of ICT in teaching.
Hi! My name is Kristin Heng and I teach Primary 2 and 3 pupils at Greenridge Primary School (Bukit Panjang area, West of Singapore). I do not have any concerns at the moment. I have created a blog (http://p2grace.spaces.live.com/)for my form class this year and I would like to learn more on using it as an effective teaching tool.
Hi, I'm Jean Rueckert, Chris' colleague at the Singapore American School. I teacher High School Spanish and do use the wireless internet in my classroom. I'm not yet familiar with the creation of podcasts and look forward to seeing their practical use in education, as well as their design.
My name is Joshua Redin and I teach at ICS Singapore. I teach computers for Grades 1-12. I am interested in any technology that enhances, streamlines, and makes learning more fun and exciting. I am curious to see how others are using technology in the classroom and to "borrow" these ideas.
Hi, I am Niki. I teach Mathematics and Computer Applications at Northbrooks Secondary School. I hope to have fun at the workshop!
Hello, my name is YEO Ling Lih. I'm teaching Japanese Language at Ministry of Education Language Centre. I have not used Web 2.0 or blogs as teaching/learning tools before. They sound interesting so I'll really like to know how they can be/have been used in teaching/learning.
Hi Chris, my name is Guan Sey and I will be attending your two workshops on 13 Nov with some of my colleagues from the MOE Language Centre. We teach Japanese to secondary school students. I use the internet almost every day - to check my emails, to search for things, and so on. From your workshops, I hope to find out what web 2.0 is all about, and how it could be used in teaching and learning. Also, I've heard so much about blogging, so I'd like to learn about blogs too. Looking forward to your workshops.
Hello! I'm Elaine and like my colleague Hwee Jing, I'm teaching Japanese at MOE Language Centre.
I don't have any particular concerns at the moment. Just looking forward to this workshop. See you guys then!
Hi! My name is Sally, and I am the Librarian at SAS for grades 3, 4, and 5. I am interested in gaining practical knowledge and application of ICT in the library. I am also in integrating the applications as much as possible into what's going in the classrooms. SAS is fortunate have a lot of technology, and I want to learn how to use it more effectively in order for students to be prepared for the future! I'm looking forward to the workshops!
I am Matthew Quek and I teach History at Hwa Chong Institution (College section).
I would love to learn how to set up websites, blogs and social networks to greatly enhance my standard and quality of teaching.
Hi. My name is William. I am teaching Chemistry and Mathematics at Northbrooks Secondary School. Through this workshop, I hope to explore more ways in which I can incoporate this form of ICT into the learning.
Hi! I'm Misako Suzuki,Yeosensei'colleague at Ministry of Education Language Centre. I am teaching Japanese Language.My daughters have created their blogs since secondary 2, and I want to create mine for my students.
Hi, I'm Momoko from MOE Language Centre, teaching Japanese to students from secondary schools. I'm simply interested in familiarising myself with blogging. Looking forward to the workshop!
Hi all, I'm Tze Hui from ACJC. I teach GP to 17-18 years old preparing for entry into the university. Hoping to capitalise on ICT for lessons.
Hi! I'm Isabel Wong and I'm from Queensway Secondary School. I teach Art and English. I don't know anything about Web 2.0, but I'm curious and want to know more. I also want to see if or how it can be used for lessons in the computer lab.
Hi, I'm Isabel Wong from Queensway Secondary School. I teach Art and English. I don't know much about Web 2.0, but am curious and would to find out more. I also want to see if I can use it during lessons in the computer lab.
My name is Chuah BK. I teach in the Singapore Polytechnic. Would like to know how Web 2.0 can be used to facilitate teaching and learning.
Hi! My name is Huo Yasi and I teach 17-18 year olds General Paper in Hwa Chong Institute. I would really like to learn more about podcasting/ blogs/ ICT and how to use them effectively/ in a meaningful way in my lessons. Most importantly, I hope to keep up with the times so that the students learn better.
Hi, I am Fern, teaching PE at Hwa Chong Institution, 17-18 year olds. I am interested to use ICT to enhance students' learning about sports current affairs, sports science etc.
Hi, I'm Hasimah from Canossa Convent Primary School. Being a Malay language teacher, I realised that there are limited ICT teaching resources that are readily available in the teaching and learning of Malay Language. Hence, I've signed up for all the four sessions hoping that I'll be well-equiped with various ICT knowledge to prepare and enhance my teaching and pupils' learning from year 2008 onwards.
Hello everyone! I hope I'm not too late in making this introduction as well as my expectations for this course. My name is Kevin Lee and I'm teaching Math and Physics at Peirce Secondary School to secondary 1 to 4 students. My current experiences with ICT in teaching and learning are online forums and MSN spaces, but I must declare that student reaction to these ICT teaching methods is quite lukewarm. I would like to expand my ICT toolbox and at the same time hope to generate some ideas which ignite the interest within the student.
Hi I'm Selvi and I'm from Yishun JC teaching 17-18 year olds Geography. I have attempted to use blogs in teaching but it was a basic attempt and hope to pick up more skills through this course.
Hi, My name is Tan Meng Juat and I teach Physics at Bendemeer Secondary School. I would like to know how to use podcasts in teaching Science and to make new friends as well.
My name is Su Linn, and I teach Literature at YJC. I cannot even bear to check my email too often and would rather read.
Hi - I am Wee Li playing catch up with technology in education. I can love gizmos and gadgets once I have had a proper introduction to them. I am keen to give my students a more diverse experience of literature both in and out of the classroom.
Greetings, my name is Eugene and I currently teach Literature to a bunch of often-drowsy-but-sometimes-interested 17-19 year old JC students at Yishun Junior College. There's a general impression that Literature is stuffy and low-tech and I'd like to use podcasts as a means of making it a more exciting and engaging subject. I find also that students' cognitive behaviour has changed and approaching my teaching as mostly text-based may not be effective enough.
Hi my name is Simon & I teach CPA and D&T at Northbrooks Sec. I'm really bad at meeting deadlines, as you can see, I only write my comments on the night before the lesson...I am looking forward to the workshop too...
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